JoMar Visions Art Excellence 2018 Juried Open Competition
- Exhibition at JoMar Visions on the 9th Dec.
3-7pm, award ceremony at 6:30pm
Click for a pdf prospectus with all the submission details!
We are very excited this year's JMV Art Excellence and its exhibit at JoMar Visions Studios gallery. Besides live music, wine tasting, flavor bites, we will have an incredible exhibit with the jury selected artists beautiful artwork. YOUR WORK!
DATE OF THE EVENT: Sunday, December 9th 2018, 3pm - 7pm (Awards at 6:30pm).
All artists are invited to submit their very best works. Deadline for submission: Friday 30th of November at midnight.
Cash prizes totaling $1000: 1st place- $500; 2nd place- $350; 3rd place $150
Gallery representation and featured solo show at JoMar Visions Northwest location (for 1st and 2nd place)
Free entry as a featured artist at one of JoMar Visions group shows (3rd place and 2 honorable mentions- 4th and 5th places.
After you use the submission form to send your images (button above), remember to send your $35 submission fee with the following Paypal button so your submission can be valid. We will send you an email confirmation of receipt of your submission.

About JoMar Visions:
JoMar Visions spanned their areas of service from photography, graphic design, fine art representation of the founders' fine art, Joana Esteves and Mark Roden; growing quickly to other areas of supporting the Houston Art Community and giving chances to artists that otherwise might find difficult to find venues to exhibit their works. The hosting of art events and representation and support of other artists started with Houston ArtCrawl 2010 as part of Hardy & Nance Studios, jump starting the many incredible events that JoMar Visions enthusiastically continues to organize, focusing on other hidden emerging talents and also well known established names within the community.
JoMar Visions was awarded Best Art Gallery in 2014 and in 2015 by the A-list voters and in 2016 was awarded by as top rated Photographer and Art Gallery in Houston, through Facebook ratings and reviews.
"There is nothing that gives us more pleasure than giving the opportunity to other artists to have their works of art on the walls for the public to see and buy. And every time an artist makes a sale is a true thrill and a sense of accomplishment that cannot be put into words. We feel just as excited as when we sell our own work. We believe that being artists ourselves and by feeling the artists obstacles and difficulties, we can get closer to their needs and work together with them towards success. We are positive people and we think that that kind of energy is felt by anyone that works with us. We wnat that to be felt, we want excitement and joy in what we do and we believe that that positive energy and focus is what gets things going. We are here to have fun and be happy in what we do, and to 'infect' other people with that fun and happiness as well which, we believe, results in everyone's success."